Flexible Club Format Design for Young Professionals

The Las Vegas New Century Lions Club gives young professionals the ability to creat a Lions club that fits their lifestyle and need for flexibility. Providing hands-on projects and more extensive use of technology to ease club administration, the New Century Lions Club is an exciting new endeavor that offers members:

  • the same rights, privileges and responsibilities common to all Lions clubs members in good standing.
  • empowerment to choose service activities based on individual interests and community needs.
  • the knowledge and strength of over 44,000 Lions clubs worldwide.

New Century, A Distinctive Look

New Century Lions have a unique logo that features a sunrise signifying the dawn of a new era and all the promise the new millennium holds.

Service to Others

Worldwide, Lions clubs are recognized for their service to people who are blind and visually impaired. This service began when Helen Keller challenged Lions to become "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness" during the 1925 Lions Club International Convention.

Today, Lions extend their commitment to sight conservation through countless local efforts, as well as through their international Sight First Program, which works to eradicated blindness. Lions also collect and recycle eyeglasses for distribution in developing countries year-round and especially during May, which is Lions Recycle for Sight Month, and October, as a way to make Lions World Sight Day, which is held the second Thursday of each October.

In addition, Lions make a strong commitment to young people through many youth programs. Lions also work to improve the environment, build homes for the disabled, support diabetes education, conduct hearing programs, and through their foundation, provide disaster relief around the world.